Honey Herb Roasted Roots

Image source: bonappetit
Parsnips, peeled and cut length wise (3-4 pcs) ‡
Baby Carrots, cut length wise, little of the top attached (half bunch) ‡
Indian Carrots, peeled and cut length wise (3-4 pcs) ‡
Rosemary, fresh (1/2 tsp) ‡
Coconut Oil (1/4 cup) ‡
Raw Honey (2 tbsp) ‡
Dijon Mustard (1 tbsp) ‡
Sea Salt, to taste
Black Pepper, to taste
‡: available in Tall Tree Organic Subscription
Serves 2
Pre heat the oven to 200 C. Prepare the parsnips, baby carrots and Indian carrots and keep ready.
Prepare the mix for the roast coating by preparing the coconut oil, rosemary, honey, Dijon mustard and adding salt and pepper to taste and mixing well.
Add the root crops to the mix and coat evenly and place on baking tray and drizzle the remaining mix over them.
Bake in the oven for 20-45 minutes, turning half way to ensure even cooking.
Serve and enjoy!